
Winners of Not My Problem #3 (Instead Softcups)

I had grand intentions of announcing the winners of this giveaway early this morning. While I am usually wake no later than 6am, today was different. Daylight Savings threw me off- I slept in til almost 7am! This did not give me enough time to write a blog post AND prepare for a 9am fifteen mile run. (Yes, it was hard. During the last five miles I had all kinds of negotiations going on in my head. And I did allow myself a few walk breaks during the last 2 miles. But it's done.)

What was unique about this giveaway is that hardly any of my usual readers responded here. A few of my friends who read this blog regularly expressed an interest in Instead Softcups after reading the post, but decided to buy a box on their own rather than try and win one. I suppose this subject is a bit too personal for some.

Without further adieu (and because I am soooo tired) my winners are gt and Maryalicia.Verdecchia (who posted as anonymous but left her e-mail address.) I loved reading about everyone's best day and I hope that taking a minute to type it out here made you appreciate what you are blessed with. Winners, feel free to beat me to the punch and send me your addresses via e-mail. I will get these in the mail this week.

The next giveaway is a great product. When it came in the mail, my husband ripped it out of the box and tried it before I did! I'll post that tomorrow while doing my favorite thing for marathon training- resting!


  1. What an interesting product to give away! I love it:)

  2. YEAH! Sorry it took so long to get back! It went to my spam :( BUT!I am now subscribed so I don't miss a thing!

