
A Giveaway For No Other Reason Than To Give Something Away!

Remember when we did weekly giveaways?  That was fun.  Then this site got all serious and whatnot.  My how far we have come.  So here is a giveaway (well, two actually) just because I love reading everyone's comments.  Enter!

Let's see... What have we got?
Hmmm... just in time for the start of summer, we have the Remington Body and Bikini Kit.

Body and Bikini Kit by Remington

And we have one of the best women's shavers out on the market right now-  Remington Smooth and Silky Rechargeable Shaver With Aloe Vera And Replacement Foils!

Smooth and Silky Shaver by Remington

If you'd like to win one, tell us about one big goal you have.  It doesn't have to be fitness related, but it should be a positive and productive goal.  (In other words, "I'm going to slash my boss' tires the next time he/she treats me unfairly" is not really a good goal to share.)

If you'd like to win, you MUST become a follower. (If you already are, thanks!) AND you must follow us on facebook and twitter.  (If you are on both...)  I am not one to beg for followers and insight a popularity contest, but the numbers speak.  Many companies and corporations want to see high numbers of followers before they give us great free stuff to give away to you guys.  It's just the way the cookie crumbles.  So help a girl out by clicking the "join this site" button, the facebook thingy, and the twitter thingy.  I don't post complete nonsense or smart phone self portraits every five minutes, I promise.

Two items, one winner for each.  (So two winners.)

We will choose in a week! 


  1. My goal is to become completely independent. Able to support myself and family without help. There isn't anything wrong with help but to teach my children to work hard and achieve independence. I am on my way. With help right now and I am so very grateful to all the people and organizations who are providing me the opportunity to achieve my goal.

  2. I'm working on so many things. I suppose my biggest physically is training for a marathon in November. I'm also working on other mental aspects such as accepting compliments and NOT being so hard on myself (accepting my own accomplishments).

  3. My current goal is to allow my self to heal from the pelvic fracture I sustained in February. It has been a hard road, and I am pretty sure I am not done. My goal is to allow myself to be patient with my body, not freak out if I gain a few pounds, and come back a stronger and smarter runner.

  4. My one big goal, hmmmm.....I think it's going to have to be something I've always admired in my husband but could never fully allow of myself, and that is to just simply GIVE. I think I give to others plenty, but it's really my husband who gives and I take partial credit by default. For instance, just this month he gave $20 to feed the hungry, $50 to a family whose 9 year old son needs a heart transplant, and he also gave to KIVA(which helps people in struggling countries get a business going or it can help them build a simple farm machine to help maintain their crops...stuff like that) and he gave to the kids who sell M&Ms for like $10 a box to help their football team. And he just doesn't give money. Yesterday(a Saturday, his day off from work) we went over to the school he teaches at and he played in the band with his students, who were in turn playing music to benefit Red Bank's food bank. I admire him for being such a giver, and for doing it knowing there is nothing in return. No recognition, no money, no name in lights...he expects nothing. That's the difference between he and I. So long story LONG, I plan to be a giver, and to do it wholeheartedly and expect nothing but the inner happiness I will get out of helping those who have way less than I.

  5. I'm such a newbie as far as fitness is concerned...I'd like to get back to the gym, goal is at least one mile 5x a week. See? Newbie!

    I do have several non-fitness goals. 1) clean house extra good before our Memorial Day party. 2) enter all my books into LibraryThing.

    blog, twitter and FB (Gina Francis) follower

  6. my current goal is to learn how to swim this summer.


  7. My goal is to write a running book. I am not an expert, so it's more of a motivational book than a how-to book. The idea is to show women (target demographic) of all sizes running is doable. Just in the beginning stages now, but hoping it will help people see that you don't have to be in perfect shape or at the perfect weight to start.

    Following along under Christina Stetler. :)

  8. I would like to start exercising and eat better

  9. I am a GFC follower. Tamar W.
    @tamarsw is also a Twitter follower

    Hope the sponsors give you more giveaways! I'll be back ;)

    tamarsweeps at gmail

  10. My goal is to get promoted at work. It is taking me a bit longer than I would like so I have to just be patient and always try to do my best.

    I follow all three ways.

  11. I have a couple of goals! I'd like to get my Masters in Speech Language Pathology. I'm applying for the Fall of 2013. I'm also trying to get healthier!
    I follow on GFC (katybaby), twitter (@katyjv1988), and FB (Katy S)

  12. follow on GFC, facebook,both as Kathleen Conner, and on twitter as @kc98765
    My goal may seem modest to others. I am recovering from Chronic Fatigue. While I'm mostly better, I have to be very careful when I exercise to not over-push myself, and the limit changes every day for me. My goal is to be able to exercise on a daily basis without having a backlash.

    klconn7 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  13. I follow on Facebook and GFC(Tim L.) and Twitter(@1brisket).
    My goal is to go on family bike rides at least once a week. I bought us all bikes last year to take advantage of the great trail network we have in my town, but it seems like every week there was some excuse why we couldn't go out. This year we will find a way.

  14. I hope I'm not too late?
    I stopped exercising when I started spending more time at work. I need to get back in shape, so want to incorporate an exercise program that works with my schedule.

    cbstrat (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. My friends and i are going to vegas this summer. i just really want to look decent in a bikini.

    gfc ferriz

    fb xferriza2 dani marie

    twitter @xferriza2


  16. I follow via GFC Brigettestreeper. My goal is to be more family oriented this summer. It is so easy to get caught up in working, cleaning, ect. that I miss out on my little ones (8 year old son, and 20 month old daughter). I want to plan events (even if they are small) that we can do together.

  17. I follow by GFC and Facebook under David L and Twitter under @1froglegs.

    My goal this summer is to actually take the family on a vacation out of the State. Because of my work schedule we are usually limited to weekend vacations, which are less expensive and more practical, but limited in scope and adventure. I want the kids to see something new.

  18. I follow via GFC as jeanne conner and Twitter as ltlbitone

    My goal is when I reach 75,000 dollars in savings I will sell this house and buy my forever home..

    ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

  19. My biggest goal is to reach my ideal weight this year. I have been working out hard this year but had a set back of a broken foot in April. After eight weeks of being off my feet I am anxious to begin again.

    I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.
    Facebook as Jill Myrick.
    Twitter as jlsc123.


  20. My Goal, and I have been working on this for a couple of years now.... Getting really close.

    I want to beat candida. I have been sick with it for years. I am almost there!!

    terrylee5151 at aol dot com

  21. My biggest goal at the moment is to pay off all debt. We have a bit from some recent medical issues and I would love to see that all go away.

    GFC follower - Angela H
    Facebook follower - Angela H
    Twitter follower - @thisisme79

    thisisme79 @ gmail dot com

    1. My goal is to finish college with a 4.0 gpa

      GFC - kroch
      Twitter - @KatieR6678
      Facebook - Katie R.

      dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

  22. My goal is to prepare for now and the future with starting a job/career. My kids will be all out of the house in 2 months. Our business, which my husband does, is not generating enough income in this economy and so my husband is branching out into becoming a real estate agent. I have not worked in 35 years and I want to become an agent also. I have spent my life since married cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and homeschooling. Now I feel it is like we were when we just got married and I want to do something new and productive, something where I can be out and involved. We already exercise together every day and eat a special diet, so this is another area that I would like to grow into. Time for something new!
    spcale at yahoo dot com carol lewis

  23. GFC carol lewis
    spcale at yahoo dot com

  24. FB carol yerby lewis
    spcale at yahoo dot com

  25. Twitter dresdenrain
    spcale at yahoo dot com

  26. My goal is fairly outright...to get my biplar disorder in control again. The last month and a half has been hell! Late spring/early summer is always the worst time of year for me...all I want is to be better and to run!

    BTW, starting the Softcup Challenge today...so far, so good. Also loving the Emjoi Micropedi! :)

    Got you covered on all 3 fronts...find me as MouseRN.

  27. My goal is to lose more weight and become healthier. I've been eating healthy foods and walking everyday and do feel better and have more energy, which is good.

  28. My goal is to finish my first 5K before my birthday in October :)

    ktgonyea at gmail.com
